Home floor heating, often referred to as radiant floor heating is a trending feature that adds additional comfort and warmth to your living area. Underfloor heating can be a luxurious, affordable way to keep your family warm in Lock Haven, PA.
Pros and Cons of Radiant Floor Heating
Some of the primary benefits of radiant floor heating include its energy efficiency, low maintenance, and ease of installation. As opposed to traditional radiators that need to be heated to over 150 degrees in order to effectively heat a room, floor heating only requires a temperature of fewer than 84 degrees to properly warm a room. In effect, these underfloor units use less energy than traditional units.
Types of Radiant Floor Heating
There are two types of underfloor heating – electric and water-based. Both work by providing consistent heat through a room’s flooring. Since warm air rises, filtering heat through a home’s flooring can be a very cost-efficient way to warm your house. Water-based flooring systems run hot water through pipes in order to generate heat. Electric underfloor heating works by heating a network of wires beneath the floor’s surface.
Upgrading to Radiant Floor Heating
If you are remodeling your home, consider underfloor heating to make the most out of your floor space and overall redesign. One of the best things about radiant floor heating is that it works with most types of flooring including laminate, wood, tile, stone, and even carpet. Depending on the type of underfloor heating system you select for your home, you could be looking at an installation cost of between $10 and $20 per square foot. Installation is fairly quick and generally takes a few hours per room.
Reach out to our HVAC experts to see about the benefits of installing radiant floor heating in your home. For more information, contact Triangle Heating & Cooling online or give us a call today.

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